Trust the Program

Q: What made you reach out for intervention for your daughter? A: Severe behavior issues, running away aggression. Q: Were you afraid she would hate you? A: She already did! So I didn’t feel like we had much to lose. Q: Was this a hard decision to make? A: Yes and No. We got to…

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Oh I Knew Right Before I Got Here

Q. What did a day in your life look like before you arrived to Horseshoe Mountain Academy? A: I was smoking pot and a few pills. Sleeping every day and not listening to anyone but myself or stupid friends. Q: What were your goals in life? A: To blow all of my money on drugs…

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To Be Successful in What I Want To Do (in a Healthy Way).

What did a day in your life look like before you arrived at Horseshoe Mountain Academy? A: I wouldn’t get out of bed for multiple days on end and I stopped eating meals, I would argue with my family and treat them like dirt. Q: What were your goals in life? A: To die Q:…

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I am Going to Miss all of You

*I’ll Never forget y’all* Q: What was it like working at Horseshoe Mountain Academy? A: The #1 reason why I wanted to work at Horseshoe Mountain is mainly because of the structure and order that HMA holds. Also to gain experience in working alongside with youth, to help them improve and be the best they…

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