Educational Support Center Accredited through Cognia
Educational Support Center
Students at Horseshoe Mountain Academy are registered with South Sanpete Education Support Center.
South Sanpete Education Support Center Mission: To Create an Environment that Engages Students in Their Journey Towards Being Productive Part of Society Goals: Build Transferable Skills and Develop Respect and Accountability In SSESC, a written Student Education is designed to address academic needs for each student. In addition to the regular core curriculum, students receive a variety of services which may include any of the following: Academic Assessment, Individual Instruction, Technology Training, Transition/Vocational Service, Low student/teacher Ratio, Tracking and Compilation of High School Credits. Students attend school here on campus in a classroom environment with certified teachers and instructors, tutoring, up-to-date curriculum, statewide academic requirements, and fully accredited transferable curriculum. Work completed is logged in the student file, and grades are given in accordance with the quality, quantity, and timeliness of work completed. Students’ daily and weekly progress reviews are available by request.